[Lost Hemisphere Challenge 2013] Still kicking

Hmmm, when did I last do an update on this challenge *looks at date on previous post* - April! Sheesh. So much for my 'monthly update plan' that I had at the start of this!

I'm going to play the 'real-life' card here. Although I've got a reasonable amount done since my last update, August was pretty much a washout with flathunting for my new job. Then I had to start said job, move (twice), attend a conference, defend my PhD thesis, and deal with some personal issues in September and the start of October. I'm only just resettling into some vague resemblance of a routine, and my new flat is finally looking like someone lives there rather than a squatter's residence!

So I haven't forgotten about Venethrax and his dragon slaying posse. Before the upheaval I got the Mechanithrall unit quite far along, and the Lich Lord himself isn't looking too bad either. I just haven't been able to work on them over the last couple of months.

My aim for the year is now to get the half-finished models completed, and finish the conversions on the Black Ogrun and second Seether. That'll leave me short of the fully-painted 35pts, but I'd like to at least have something painted in the list that wasn't that way at the start of the challenge!


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