
Showing posts from 2018

[Yearly Review][2018] Did I achieve my goals in 2018?

2018 has been a strange year. I think I did reasonably well at changing up my list of goals to reflect the changes that happened in 2017, but there has definitely been some delayed reaction to those changes.  I'll say up front that I'm cautiously optimistic about my list of goals for the year, but I also know that there have been some big failures. Let's see how this goes.

[Yearly Review][2017] Goals for 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! 2017 saw another improvement in the number of my personal goals that I achieved, but I'm still some way below where I would like to be. As I mentioned in my review of the year though, there were some big changes in my life in 2017 that weren't necessarily reflected in my success rate, and that will require some adjustments in how I set goals for myself moving forwards.