
Showing posts from December, 2016

[Yearly Review] Part 2: did I achieve my goals in 2016?

Every year I set myself a set of goals for my work and hobbies. Things that I want to achieve, ideals for the amount of hobby time I'll set aside for each pastime, etc. Traditionally I've not had much success, whether from lack of time or excess of ambition, but 2016 has seen more success than the previous couple of years. Let's take a look at how well I did.

[Yearly Review] Part 1: looking back on 2016

What a year! I don't think I'm alone in being glad to see the back of 2016. It's been a pretty rubbish year on many fronts; several high profile deaths, and a lot of controversial politics on both sides of the Atlantic. Unfortunately, a lot of what was wrong with this year is only the beginning of what will almost certainly end up being long-term changes to the wider world. The New Year won't be a magical cure-all, but probably just the harbinger of even more unsettled times. But enough moping around. Let's do the traditional year's-end review for the blog, starting with a look back at the year just passed. (Credit: