[Wargaming] Christmas modelling

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas Eve, and looking forward to eating far too much tomorrow!

I've taken some annual leave this festive period, so I've been off work for the last week and visiting my family. Fortunately, I had the foresight to bring a small portion of my hobby project pile with me, and have spend a productive hour here and there putting together some models.

Most of the models that I've put together this holiday (though I found a few more hiding away since I took this picture)
[Credit: David Brown]

First up, Dropzone Commander. This is a game that I've had my eye on for years. I bought a Shaltari starter some time ago, but hadn't played a game with it until very recently. It gained a lot of popularity at the games club though, and now that Warmachine & Hordes have taken off a bit more I've been able to play a starter game, which I thoroughly enjoyed. As a result, I purchased a few extra bits from a clubmate, which I put together yesterday. I love the tripod walkers, and am hoping that an army with lots of them is viable in the upcoming 2nd edition.

Some Shaltari for Dropzone Commander. In the group shot we have three Tomahawk main grav-tanks (front), two Birdeater AA walkers (left), Warchief Isis (the big tank), and an Ocelot tripod (back right). The solo shot is a Dreamsnare tripod. I love the aesthetic of the big tripod walkers. [Credit: David Brown]

Next, Rune Wars. Another game that I've been interested in since it was released. Sadly I think Fantasy Flight have priced themselves out of the market a little, as the costs over here are ridiculous (basically 1:1 with the dollar costs, but the exchange rate doesn't support that). Fortunately I managed to get the starter for half price a few months back, and it's been staring out from my games cupboard ever since. The models were simple to put together, though the material is a little odd - more like boardgame plastic than Games Workshop hard plastic. The large models are amazing, even if my Rune Golem is missing an arm (I call him stumpy). 

The legions of Waiqar the Undying (top), and the forces of the Lords of Daqan (bottom), the two armies from the Rune Wars starter. These models were really easy to put together, though the material is a bit odd. [Credit: David Brown]

Since putting these models together a couple of days ago I've managed to get in a couple of games with my brother. The first was interesting, but we both felt like the "learn-to-play" scenario was lacking something. So for our second game we went whole hog and added the terrain, scenario, and setup rules. That second game was far more enjoyable, and I would definitely like to play more of Rune Wars.

Stumpy the Rune Golem. [Credit: David Brown]

Next, Eilish Garrity. This Mercenary / Minion solo for Warmachine & Hordes was released with Issue #1 of the revamped No Quarter magazine, and his rules are amazing. He will definitely be finding his way into my Convergence lists. A simple, single part model made from nice, crisp resin. Not much in the way of mould lines either.

Eilish Garrity, super-solo. [Credit: David Brown]

Finally, a new purchase from a games shop that my Dad took me too - the excellent Saxon's Games and Crafts in Great Denham. I've heard a lot of buzz about Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, and knew enough about the game for it to sound rather interesting. I was vacillating between one of the small starters for 40K 7th edition or Shadespire, but in the end went for the self-contained game. It's a long time since I put together a Games Workshop model, and I have to say I was really impressed. Beautifully cast, really clever hiding for the joins, and I didn't even have to glue most of them the pop-fit was so good! I'd be pleased with just the models, but having carried out a run-through of the game against myself I'm definitely glad I bought it.

The Stormcast Eternal (left) and Khornate Bloodreaver (right) forces from Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire. These were an absolute dream to put together. [Credit: David Brown]

So there we go. It's been productive, though part of me is wishing I'd brought either paints or more unassembled models with me!

Enjoy Christmas Day everyone, and I hope you get lots of hobby goodness under the tree.


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