[Wargaming][Warmachine] Building some stuff

Just a quick one today.

Yesterday I had a productive day. Well, some would call it productive, others might disagree! I spent a large part of the afternoon working through the pile of unopened stuff in my games cupboard, building lots of models.

First up was a little wind-up toy car that I was given for Christmas a couple of years ago. It's plasticard, and all the parts were push-out and push-fit. It looks cool I think, and runs quite well (though the front wheels are a little wobbly).

Next up was a not-Mechano tank, received the same Christmas. This was quite fiddly to build, as the spanner to tighten the nuts and bolts was tricky to fit into some of the tighter corners. I also couldn't work out how to fit one of the pieces to the turret, the gun barrels work loose very easily, and the tracks weren't big enough to fit around all of the wheels without deforming the side pieces. But overall it looks quite good.

Next up were some Warmachine and Hordes models. Three Griffons for my Circle Orboros army, a Cryxian Stalker light warjack, and the Cryx Warcaster Mortenebra1 (not pictured is her buddy Deryliss, who was also put together). The Griffons are actually from the unpainted D&D line; I think they look better than the Privateer Press models, and they're about 1/3 of the price to boot. They do need a little more conversion to make them look the part - a hood, and some armour on the forelimbs - but I like them. Mortenebra1 is a fiddly model, but a fun build. I'm already waiting for the upper claws to fall off...

After that it was my starter set of Halo: Fleet Battles. I picked this up in Spartan Games' Black Friday sale last year, and it's been staring at me accusingly ever since. I'm a sucker for spaceship-based games (I already have models for Firestorm Armada, bought into the Dropfleet Commander Kickstarter, and loved Battlefleet Gothic), and really enjoy the Halo computer games, but hadn't been able to justify the cost of this to myself until it was 30% off for Black Friday! The models look great in my opinion, and really do look like the ones in the computer games. The larger UNSC ships were tricky to build, but their frigates all one piece, while the Covenant models were all multi-part but required fewer steps to assemble. I like that they're colour coded, so I don't have to do much to get them ready; I'll likely give them a wash, then pick out some details and call it good.

Last on the docket was.....a bookshelf. What do you mean that doesn't count? I had to put it together (thanks Ikea), so I'm counting it.


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